What is Secondary Infertility?
Secondary infertility happens when you have been able to conceive and had a baby in the past, but you can’t now.
I am honored to have been interviewed for a great article on this topic in a recent issue of Cosmopolitan magazine by @chrissyjaay.
Personally, I think it comes with a whole different set of emotions (can my awesome reproductive psych folks chime in here?). When you have had a taste of the joys of having a child, some patients tell me it makes them feel like their bodies are broken when they can’t conceive again.
There are several issues that can play a role including age (by definition, you are going to be older when you are trying for an additional child), and “acquired” conditions like fibroids. Maybe you didn’t have a fibroid with your first baby, but you may have developed one that happens to be in a problematic spot for getting pregnant now. Also, I have lots of patients who have a different partner when they are thinking about baby number 2 or 3+. In these cases, don’t forget that there may be some new male factor issues that are playing a role.
It is important to be aware of secondary infertility as a condition. In my practice, I’ve noticed that sometimes people wait longer to get evaluated if they have had a baby before because they assume things will work.
Guess what, the rules are the same as if you haven’t had a baby before:
If you are under 35, infertility is defined as not getting pregnant after a year of trying
If you are 35-40, get evaluated if you have been trying for 6 months
If you are 40 and older, get evaluated right away!
Importantly, if your cycles are irregular, or you have had a healthcare provider tell you that you may need help getting pregnant, don’t wait!
I’m so happy that @chrissyjaay wrote this wonderful piece. If you want to know more, check out the most recent issue of @cosmopolitan magazine. Read the article here.